??????? 3.施工機械設備管理存在的問題
??????? 3. The problems existing in the construction machinery and equipment management
??????? 3.1 安全生產管理費用不到位
??????? 3.1 safety production management fee does not reach the designated position
??????? 建筑市場競爭日益激烈,某些建筑商為拿到工程不惜惡意壓價,導致利潤空間縮小,加上安全意識淡薄,用于安全生產的經費空間被擠壓。中標后用于安全生產的必要設備、器材、工具等無力購置,于是一省再省一拖再拖,致使施工現場十分混亂,大大增加了安全事故隱患爆發(fā)的可能性。
??????? Construction market competition increasingly fierce, some builders to get at malicious demand, lead to profit space narrow, plus the safety consciousness, funds for safe production of space will be squeezed. After the bid for safe production of the necessary equipment, equipment, tools, such as to afford, so a province again drag on, led to the construction site is very chaotic, greatly increase the possibility of outbreak of safety accidents.
??????? 3.2 安全人員設置不健全
??????? 3.2 security personnel set up is not sound
??????? 當前不少施工現場配備的管理人員只有項目經理、工長、技術員等兩三人管理現場。每人身兼數職,大部分精力和責任都用于關注工程質量、工程進度和材料的采購進出庫,沒有完整的安全管理組織機構,安監(jiān)分工不定、責任不明。更有甚者,施工現場沒有專職的安全員,安全監(jiān)察無從談起。
??????? Currently many of the construction site is equipped with project manager, foreman, technicians and other two or three people management field. Every professional life is the number, most of his energy and responsibility to pay close attention to project quality, construction schedule and material purchasing and outbound, no complete safety management organizations, safety division of labor, responsibility is unknown. What's more, no full-time security officer on the construction site, safety supervision.
??????? 3.3 缺乏安全教育培訓制度
??????? 3.3 lack of safety education and training
??????? 雖然有些施工現場也設有一些制度牌、安全標識等,但并沒有真正起到安全教育和安全警示的作用。很多只是為了應付安全檢查,甚者施工人員連安全標識的意義都不懂,安全施工流于形式,因此加強對技術工人和工程管理人員的安全知識培訓,理應當成為施工企業(yè)的當務之急。
??????? Although some construction site also has some system card, security identity, etc., but didn't really have the effect of safety education and safety warning. What a lot just to cope with the safety inspection of the construction personnel don't even know the meaning of security identity, safety construction become a mere formality, so to strengthen the safety of technical workers and engineering management personnel training, construction enterprise should be as the priority.
??????? 3.4 設備租賃雙方管理脫節(jié)
??????? 3.4 equipment leasing management between both sides
??????? 目前建筑企業(yè)的施工設備主要有三個渠道:1)施工企業(yè)自有設備;2)施工人員自帶設備;3)從租賃公司租賃的設備。目前租賃市場中,各承租企業(yè)較多注意大型設備的管理,雙方的租賃合同也將責任義務劃分得比較清楚。相對一些小型設備、專用設備,明顯重視度不夠,但往往是這些小型設備使用頻率高、周期短。由于這些被租賃的小型設備的所有權、使用權分分離,而租賃公司又未配備固定操作人員,設備使用、維護、保養(yǎng)不力。為降低成本,施工單位對其睜一只眼閉一只眼,“將就”的僥幸心態(tài)嚴重。而租賃公司則認為設備在租賃期間的維護保養(yǎng)是屬于施工企業(yè)的義務,理應由施工企業(yè)負責,這就形成設備的管理出現的真空地帶。
??????? The construction enterprise construction equipment there are three main channels: 1) the construction enterprise has its own device; 2) construction personnel to bring their own equipment; 3) from the leasing company leasing of equipment. Currently leasing market, each tenant is more pay attention to the large equipment management, leasing contract between the two sides also divided the responsibility more clearly. Relatively small equipment, special equipment, attention degree is not enough, but often be these small devices use frequency is high, the cycle is short. Because these are small equipment leasing separation of the ownership, right to the use of points, and have not equipped with fixed operating personnel leasing company, equipment use, maintenance, maintenance. To reduce cost, the construction unit to turn a blind eye, "will" fluke mentality. And rental company thinks that during the leasing of equipment maintenance is belongs to the duty of construction enterprises, construction enterprises should be responsible for, this will form a vacuum equipment management.
??????? 4.加強機械設備管理
??????? 4. Strengthen the management of mechanical equipment
??????? 4.1 建立健全機械設備管理機制
??????? 4.1 establishing and perfecting the management mechanism of mechanical equipment
??????? 要切實加強施工中機械設備管理的基礎工作,確立行之有效的管理規(guī)章制度并將其落實到基層工作崗位。各種機械都須嚴格實行定人、定機、定崗、定責制度,嚴格確定獎懲制度,落實設備的使用、保養(yǎng)、維護等各個環(huán)節(jié)責任。這樣才有利于設備操作人員的正確操作和安全使用,增強其責任感,防止機械傷害事故的發(fā)生。
??????? To strengthen the construction of the mechanical equipment management foundation work, establish rules and regulations and implement effective management to the grass-roots work. All machinery must strictly implement system of a person, machine, create positions, the proportional amount, strictly determine the rewards and punishment system, to carry out the equipment use, maintenance, maintenance responsibility. So that is conducive to equipment operators of correct operation and safe use, enhance their sense of responsibility, to prevent mechanical damage accidents.
??????? 4.2 加強培訓教育工作
??????? 4.2 strengthen the training education work
??????? 對機械設備操作人員要加強培訓教育,定期開展相關培訓,力求操作人員懂得設備的用途、結構、技術性能、使用維護要點、故障排除方法等基本知識,使其做到正確使用、維護設備。應該做到操作人員會檢修設備,檢修人員會操作設備,并做到持證上崗、定期檢查。
??????? For mechanical equipment operation personnel must strengthen the education training, regularly carry out related training, operators to understand the purpose of the equipment, structure, main technical performance, use, maintenance, troubleshooting method basic knowledge, such as the correct use and maintenance equipment. Should be staff will repair equipment operation, maintenance personnel can operate equipment, and related certificates and check regularly.
??????? 5.結論
??????? 5. Conclusion
??????? 機械設備安全管理是工程項目安全管理的重中之重,乃是關系到企業(yè)健康發(fā)展的大事,施工企業(yè)的管理者要予以高度重視。一般安全事故造成經濟的損失至少為工程直接費的5% 以上,而安全管理投入的費用約占3%,且重大事故還會造成人身傷害。事故的發(fā)生不僅會造成經濟損失,另一方面也會在社會上對企業(yè)形象造成不良影響。施工中要把安全生產管理制度化、系統(tǒng)化,不要因僥幸心理而因小失大,普及機械設備安全管理的必要性。
??????? Mechanical equipment safety management is the key of the project safety management, but is related to the healthy development of the company, managers of construction enterprises must be highly valued. General safety accidents caused economic losses of at least 5% of the engineering fee directly above, and the investment in safety management cost accounts for about 3%, and the serious accident will cause personal injury. Accidents not only cause economic loss, on the other hand also adverse effects on the corporate image in society. To make safety production in construction management institutionalized, systematic, don't be penny wise and pound foolish by fluky psychology, popularize the necessity of the mechanical equipment safety management.